
I’ve been tagged! TechBee a hip, techie French girl whose blog Vincent and I subscribe to did me the honor of linking to me for what is apparently a self-propelled blogger survey. I don’t know who started this game of tag, but it’s really cool to see the bloggers the bloggers you like to read read. (Can you parse that? I knew you could.)

Since I’m a geekette and I like games, I’m going to play. When I’m done, I have to tag five more bloggers. Who do I blog with? I see you shiver with anticip


In addition to tagging other bloggers, you’re supposed to provide the following info about your blogging tools and methods. If you’re not a geek you might be bored, so you can skip to The End if you must (unless you’re my brother). There’s bound to be something interesting there. But if you stick around, you might learn something.

Blog Hosting: free.fr. It’s free. Free is good. Vincent says because it’s free they could just decide to erase all the blogs and close down any day. I live on the edge. So you’d better read this whole blog now; it’s ephemera.

Platform: Wordpress. It’s free too. Easy to customize the template and lots of nice templates to choose from, unlike Blogger. Not that there’s anything wrong with Blogger; it’s a good place to start. It’s where my stepkids have their blogs (and where I have my super secret anonymous erotica blog…). Wordpress has a nice, painless WYSIWYG interface. I picked a template that would look good with my self-portrait with dangling frog necklace (that’s what it is in case you hadn’t figured it out).

Post Editor: I’m not actually sure if this is the right term in English. It’s the software that lets you post to your blog from your phone or by e-mail. In any case, I don’t use one. I’m rarely far from my computer, and I take it with me if I’m gonna be away from home, so I just post through Wordpress online from wherever I am.

Stats Tool: Google Analytics. Also free. Plus, among other things, I get this nifty little map that shows me where on earth the people are who are reading my blog. And when I hover on the dots I see how many hits per city I get per week. So I know my brother is not reading my blog, the little shit. That’s OK. In the next few days I’ll be posting a picture of him hugging a pony in a princess costume… Stay tuned.
RSS Feed Reader: Google Reader. Free again… Great UI. I subscribe to all kinds of blogs… I get all my news through the reader. I drink my morning tea while I read about whatever George plans to destroy or has destroyed on a given day, and then I reward myself with the fuzziest of blogs, Craft, because sometimes it just feels good to know people can still find the time and motivation to crochet turds in spite of it all…

Blog Promotion: I comment on blog posts that I read through my reader, and my comments sometimes bring people here. I’ve gotten hits through Vincent’s Geeks In Love comic strip and his blog. I have a link on The Paris Blog and get a few hits from there. About a third of my visitors get here through Google. I’m into serendipity, so I don’t really promote my blog.

So now Sknob / Green Views / Forever Under Construction / Antwerp Calling / Language Realm, you’re It! Note: TechBee says to add “Je blogue avec” (“I blog with”) to your title “for feed readers and search engines to pick up your post if someone wants to follow the chain blogroll.”

This is The End (Click Rabbit.)