Last year I published a Christmas post featuring a favorite family pic from my childhood and talked about how Christmas is pointless without kids. This year, like every year, I’m really missing mine! He’s 26 now and on the other side of the world, having one of what I hope will be many adventures… (Preferably without any more skydiving. And get one of those shocky things for sharks before you go dive the Barrier Reef next summer. Just in case. Sorry David. At least I didn’t say spear gun.)

I called him today, around 7 pm his time. He’d worked till 4:30, then packed up a cooler of beer, a beach chair, and the copy of Notes from Underground I had Amazon send him for Christmas, and headed for the beach to watch the sun set in paradise.

Here he is at three, not so sure about the big red dude…

And at 26, about to jump out of an airplane over an island in the South Pacific. One day they are men and they are magnificent, these men we made.