
The Paris Gay Pride parade was today. Every year it passes along the boulevard Saint-Germain, right at the end of our street. I’ve seen so many (in San Diego). I mean, I was hanging out at Hula’s in Honolulu (underage, of course) with my best buddy Joel in the golden era (late 70s). The new Hula’s sucks, BTW. Used to take Trevor to the Pride parade when he was a kid. So he’d be cool with it and all. And he is, I’m proud to say.

Vincent wasn’t in the mood for the crowd and noise today. Burned out from a heavy work load. I had to go to the pharmacy (horror), so I decided to stop a bit and watch.

I thought I’d seen everything. But in all those San Diego Pride parades, I never saw the LGBT division of the Young Socialists

How refreshing!
